Milton Erickson

“Life will bring you pain all by itself. Your responsibility is to create joy”

“It’s never too late to have a happy childhood”

Milton Erickson

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”

Carl Jung

What Is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a pleasent state of relaxation and heightened focus . When resting in this safe and peaceful state of parasympathetic nervous system activation, a path to the subconscious mind is opened so that it can listen to and integrate positive suggestions for authentic change.

How Hypnosis Can Help

You have the power to overcome self-sabotage and negative thinking, even if you’re not sure where or how you might be holding yourself back. The coping mechanisms you formed from the time your were born until the age of 8 years were once age appropriate - they helped you to feel “safe” and helped you “survive” whatever dangers you perceived as a child. These same behavior patterns that once seemed to help you get your needs met, however, are still driving your reactions to life in ways that no longer serve you. In ways that are in fact, detrimental.
The subconscious programming you formed during that 0-8 year period controls 95% of your adult responses… Your conscious mind controls only a mere 5%. This is why you may grasp intellectually how you’d like to respond to something, but are inwardly compelled to react in ways that you “know” aren’t best for you. This is not acting from your intuition, this is acting from your wounds and habits.

Children 0-8 pretty much live in the theta brain wave state (similar to hypnosis).
In hypnosis, we can shine a light on the subconscious. We can root out self-sabotaging beliefs and establish a foundation of authenticity, centeredness, and health for you to automatically respond to life with. You can trigger neuroplasticity. You can change right from the root of the behavior, the subconscious mind.

During hypnosis, you are in charge completely. You are focused, and empowered. I am there to serve as your guide, a safe space and anchor. Together, from the first session we will create a hypnotherapy plan that addresses you and your requirements uniquely as an individual .

Each client is different, so each session plan will be different.

Usually, we will set up an initial meeting to get to know each other, and for me to listen to what you would like to work on and some of the details of the problem. After assessing each unique situation carefully, I will create a custom plan for you!